Sunday, August 30, 2009

yo~ it's time to show my work

Emotional attachment amongst family members

I believe the most in love, not the love between lovers and friends, but the love between family members. Some factors may change the love between lovers and friends, but the love of family is indestructible. Someone has been said, “Family is the harbor of love.” And, this harbor never closes even when we are tired and betrayed by the “waves of the word.” We can go back to our harbor for the love. The family members can give us selfless and endless love.

Why do I believe that only the love of family is indestructible? Emotional attachment amongst family members is birthright. The love from our family members remains constant even after death.

The love between lovers and friends is not immutable. There are so many reasons that can change or destroy the relationship between lovers, friends. The distance can be one of the reasons; when the distance between two lovers are too far to connect and meet, they may change their relationship. People’s perspectives cloud change. People by change their environment of works or living place can effect what they are think for things that around their live. For the same thing, if two people’s perspectives become different or opposite, they may get hard time in period. When the augur frequency around people opposite perspectives, this is the time people may break up their relationship. For the friends, those two reasons will be easier to prove.

Although most people in their childhood or teenager period will be easy got argue with their parents; young and order people may get different perspective on one thing; and people may get cold war for one day or longer. I believe after the cold war, people will become more thoughtful with their relationship between family members. People could realize the true love from their family members.

Whenever what happens in our life, our family members will not abandon us. People can imagine that, after the war, people will meet again, the love between families members will increase by how long they detach. Even there is disease, just like Helen Keller’s family, no one want leave her alone. Even though, family members are in the farthest distances, I believe our family members will always be with us.


  1. hey albee, nice essay, love is the most beautiful thing

  2. hey! cool blog! and nice poem =)

  3. nice sixu~ lol~ looks good~
    but its chinese in ur blog~
    good job~ bye

  4. HeY si xu!!! Ma buddy
    I like u are writing!!!! u are really nice friend!!! and say little bit louder ok????be brave!!! like me not loud as me..;;; anyway
    Love is important between family member and thank you for voting me !!

  5. hi sixu!
    nice essay!
    have a good day
    love you

  6. hey sixu =]
    i like your blog, it's very interesting.
    it's better than the others.
    keep it up ^^

  7. sixu hi~~

    i like ur essay

    you're so cute kkkkkkkkkkkkk


  8. i .*★*.
    .*★ *.*    ★
    ★      *
    ★ .’
    ‘*.    .
    ` . . mcc nice writing

  9. Hey sixu, You like this color of blog? I like it too, btw good writing.

  10. i like your topic. i believe love is very important too.
